Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Project begins

I had alot of time to just sit and think today, mainly because my office doesn't give me any work to do. So what I ended up doing for a couple of hours after lunch was writing a draft of my ideas on what space exploration needs, and how to accomplish them. It's slow work as I am not the best with the English language, and I don't know much about politics, but I am trying my best and I think it will be a pretty good article when it is complete. Just stay tuned...

In other news, I think I have a cold. I've been sneezing all day and my nose is constantly running. It's either A) just a cold, or B) Alergies. If it is A, I'll be over it shortly, but if it is B then I might be alergic to the cat which would kind of suck. I'll let you know in the next week how it goes, or if it kills me I guess I won't be letting you know. Great, now my dad is giving me a hard time about it. Don't most parents want to help you when you are sick? My dad just blames the sickness on ME. Just like how he makes fun of me for getting worse grades than my girlfriend. Gotta love him...goodnight folks.


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